Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lest we Forget...

Joan Didion is quoted saying..."We forget all too soon the things we thought we could never forget..."

There is a lesson for those who strive to be great leaders!  Anyone who aspires to leadership...or...wishes to retain their position of leadership, they must hold this foundational tenet and adhere to it with absolute integrity...

Leaders often overlook it...but it will play an important role in 21st Century organizational survival!

Simply stated...It to perceive and treat those who they depend upon the most...

Customers...Markets...and Employees...

This needs to be combined with the following facts...

First...that there are some acts that are unforgivable...and...

Second...that people are not stupid!

When will the abuse end?

One of my favorite personal quotes is "history will repeat itself...until we learn the lessons that it is trying to teach us..."

I am frustrated by the vicious circle that has been created within this organizational arena...and worry that unless the more intelligent of the two players...does not step up and take action...this circle will turn into a spiral...

...A death spiral!


The Arena our capitalistic society...

...Which is comprised of markets (groups or segments of the society with similar needs and a propensity to buy a good or service in order to meet that need)...

...Which is, by definition, comprised of individuals (citizens of the society)...

Each member of the segment or even the society are related by the behaviors and ideals...

It technically...makes within each market segment and ultimately the society, a brother and sister (a family member)...

Having said this...

We have set the stage for this drama...

That is...
Unless you are in some obscure part of this not work for an organization that sells products or services...and...buys nothing...


you are a player in this drama...

The message is...whether leader or customer...this concept applies to you!

You are one or the other...and both!  Isn't that interesting?

The Situtation

I am insulted buy the arrogance of many organizations...

Perhaps a better way to explain my reactions (and this is not purely emotional...but logical) is that through organizations behaviors...they very subtly convey a message of how little they really think of us...our markets...our society...or our abilities...

There is a total disregard for the (real) long-term impact of their long as they profit...

Their behaviors are such that they indicate that they believe that they are given license to do whatever they please...and ask for forgiveness later...


That they think that we have no alternatives to them and we are it doesn't matter...


That we are so greedy...that we'll give them a "free-pass"...and forget what they did to us


That we are so ignorant that we do not realize what they are really doing...and forget what they did to us...


That our memories are so short term...that if they can weather the bad press...and that we'll forget what they did to us...


That if they can divert our attention...and we'll forget what they did to us...

I could cite many more observations...and potential conclusions...but...

I hope that you are getting what their behaviors indicate as their perception of us as market segments and consumers (customers)...and a society...


Our Role

It is said that "forgiveness is a virtue..."

There are some behaviors that are simply unforgivable...

Forgiveness of those acts is simply ignorance and stupidity...

As discerning customers and family members...we have the right to decide when to cut organizations slack and forgive them and when not to...

I watch as great injustices and violations are done to our family (society) by major corporations...

All because they think so little of us...and so much of profits!

When they do get caught...they believe that with a bit a positive advertising...they think that we'll forget...


They go on a overused campaign saying that it is a few disgruntled employees or customers...

It is like someone raping your sister...and when confronted they simply say..."Look over there...a bird!" and we forget that they committed a crime!

Lest we forget!


Have you REALLY Noticed?

Some major travesties have been committed by HUGE organizations and I am watching their are you!

Because of the arrogance of one company's executive and its focus on profits...they have refused to admit to major safety issues with their automobiles...

Another cut corners on off-shore drilling and polluted the gulf of Mexico...
Both got caught!  But they haven't fully reaped the punishment that they deserve...

We need to close the door to our family...

Would you open the door again to someone who raped or killed your sister?

I am not that stupid...and do not forget...

We don't need that brand of car...

We don't need that brand of fuel...

We have to realize that we have the ultimate power...

Simply stop buying...

We do not need government controls or regulations...

The message can simply be sent by saying...I refuse to buy your product or service...

People in this society depend on the government to build controls and enforce them...that is wrong!

It is our responsibility to establish and enforce the rules of engagement through our purchasing of goods and services...


The Question Remains...

What are unforgivable sins against our family?

That is simple...

When a company knowingly circumvents a known safety regulation to make a profit...

When a company puts one of our family members in harms way to make a profit...

When a company bends the rules or interprets it to their advantage...

When a company hurts our environment...

When a company knowingly takes taxpayers' money that it doesn't deserve...

When a company misrepresents itself to gain market confidence...

and the list goes on...

The gist of the list....(It rhymes!) is that when it thinks our family is ignorant and uses that perception to make a profit!

Oil Spills?

Car safety issue cover-ups?

Stop buying that fuel!  Send a message that they are not welcome in our midst any longer...

Stop buying that brand of automobiles!  How can you trust them?


It is up to you AND us!

I suggest that any time you stop for think of what they think of you...

If you are not insulted...go ahead and buy it...they were right!

Buy one of those cars?  go ahead and buy it...they were right!

and the list of rapists and murders is long!

Step up and defend your family's honor!

Remember the great injustices done to our society by major corporations...every time you see one of those commercials with that positive advertising spin...they think that we'll forget...

What does this have to do with 21st Century Leadership?

This commentary points to the need for members of the 21st century to step up and take responsibility for the present and future of our society.  We need to be leaders and protectors of our present AND our future...using what we have to ensure the greatest chances of survival...

We can not sacrifice our future for the sake of immediate gratification...

Isolation and self-centeredness can not be tolerated...

Neither can abdication to governmental entities...

Our role and responsibility is to control the world through an untapped strength that unity provides...

Our society ultimately controls the destiny of any corporation through our behavior...

Some may say that this is simply a "boycott"  It is not...a boycott assumes (and evens promises) that we will ultimately forgive and forget...if the offender makes reparations...

Boycotts are not the answer any longer...there is no proof that they still do not think of us as fools!

We need to simply and for all time...turn off the flow of money to them...

We need to exercise that influence with a bias towards the benefit of the society on a whole and not be deluded by or even our own desire for convenience!

If we stop buying "their gas" or "their cars" or using "their services" and broken promises...they will quickly whither and die! 

The others will get the message that we are not a tolerant society...and more important...we do not forget!

Enough is now in your hands!

Act responsibly!

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