Wednesday, August 31, 2011

LEADERS - Get a Second Opinion

I find it strange that in certain situations we act one way...and in others that are actually similar in basic context...we act exactly the opposite!

You or someone that you know returns to their doctor's office for a follow-up to an annual physical and rather than receiving the regular "do what you are doing" advice..."you have cancer" is the results!

The first response to this expert advice is to seek a second opinion...from another expert!


This is life and death...correct?

I have seen very few people seek and take the advice from someone who had no expertise related to the issue at hand...

Actually I could conclude that anyone who did that...was really doing a VERY irresponsible thing...


Why do Leaders do any Different?

Many organizational leaders have employed Process Improvement "Experts" because they fully understand the importance of a Continuous Improvement Mindset...

On a routine basis...they get a report and expect..."let's just keep doing what we are doing" sometimes they get messages that they do not expect...or even worse...

A treatment regime (prescription) that could potentially itself be fatal!

How often do they seek an external or outside "Second Opinion?"

In my experience...VERY VERY SELDOM!

Heck it's only business...this isn't life and death!

...or is it?

How responsible is a leader that does not seek a second opinion from someone who is of equal to or of higher expertise...when it comes to the organization's profitability?


The Process Improvement world is filled with many so-called practitioners who may be good generalists...but lack the specificity of an expert (although they may believe themselves to be)...

Depending on them blindly...may be a BIG mistake!

Think about this...

This is much like going to a general practitioner... identifying a serious heart issue...

The medical prescription (especially surgery) does not happen at this point...

Even the General Practicing Doctor will advise seeking the second opinion...and using that expertise in the event that surgery is required!

A REFERRAL!  How interesting!

Second opinions within the Process Improvement world should abound!

A Second opinion is a necessity...not a challenge to one's competence...and should NEVER be perceived as one!

Like cancer is for a human...many organizational issues are life and death situations...

The last thing that any leader should do is blindly trust a "QUACK!"

or...put the prescription in the hands of a generalist rather than an expert!

For any major prescription (project recommendation) a leader should seek an external assessment and opinion...


The 21st century driver is RISK!

A dollar spent on an ineffective solution is wasted!

I know what you are thinking...and even though this may sound like waste of time and money...more often than will save significantly more than is wasted...because the overall organizational risk is reduced...

In fact...if the assessments are run in parallel...the leader may discover that the internal source is not working as efficiently as they should be... may create a situation in which the recommendations are received faster through a subtle competition!

This is a wonderful way to create an ongoing assessment of Continuous Improvement Efforts!


...keeps the internal providers on their toes and performing at the top of their game!


Success of 21st century organizations will depend on controlling risk...

Risk can be reduced through the use of second opinions...

Successful Leaders will seek second opinions...until they can blindly trust their internal providers...

Think about this...

If it is a best practice with a person's life...why should it be for an organization's life!